Courses » Automation » Automation, Basic Stage 2:

Automation, Basic Stage 2:

Set is intended for beginning electricians and automation installers as a continuation to study after Stage 1. The set includes proximity sensors (6 different sensors) technology, DC and AC motor exercises performed with training equipment.

3J-SLK Electronic proximity switches

With the help of the electronic proximity switches training equipment, the student acquires basic skills that will enable him to cope with the installation and maintenance tasks of the proximity switches commonly found in automation control technology. The study package also introduces so-called examination of sensor quantities for proximity switches. The structure of the tasks are focused on creating the capabilities needed for practical installation tasks.

3J-TSM Motor drives

Practice of the connections used in the control of DC and 1-phase electric motors used in the movements of modern automation applications with contactor technology.

3J-VSM AC-Motor Drives Relay control for AC motors

We have developed equipment for training short-circuit motor controls with relay technology