Minister Soha Gendi welcomes an Egyptian engineer to discuss vocational training and qualifying youth

Ambassador Soha Gendi, Minister of State for Immigration and Egyptians Abroad Affairs, received Engineer Mohamed Zayed, an automotive engineer and heavy equipment designer, from the Egyptian community in Finland, as part of the ministry’s strategy to connect Egyptians abroad with the homeland, and integrate them into sustainable development plans, to enhance efforts to transfer expertise to Egypt. In addition to implementing the vision of the political leadership to promote legal immigration and open more opportunities for young people.
In the same context, the Minister of Immigration welcomed the discussion of all constructive ideas and proposals from Egyptians abroad, which contribute to developing various files, and benefiting from the experiences of our scholars and experts around the world, within Egypt’s plans and efforts to build humanity, especially in the education and health files, and in particular the vocational education file. .
The Minister of Immigration affirmed her keenness to follow up on the implementation of the various recommendations that were put forward during her meeting with Egyptian communities abroad, as part of the “An Hour with the Minister” initiative, during which Engineer Mohamed Zayed proposed the possibility of cooperation to transfer experience in the fields of vocational training, training and qualifying youth, and training opportunities for employment.
In the same context, Ambassador Soha Gendi explained that we are working to provide opportunities to benefit from and support all ideas that would provide job opportunities for young people, within the Ministry’s work strategy to confront illegal immigration and support the most vulnerable groups, as training and qualification provide better opportunities for different groups.
Ambassador Soha Gendi discussed the experience of the Egyptian-German Center for Employment, Immigration and Reintegration, which provides training opportunities for young people and safe immigration opportunities, noting that Egyptians abroad have a prominent role in transferring expertise and benefiting from their efforts.
For his part, Engineer Mohamed Zayed reviewed the most prominent aspects of his initiative regarding cooperation to provide training content, and establishing a vocational training academy in accordance with the latest international standards, indicating the possibility of cooperation to provide extended training programs in a number of different professional and craft fields, after which an accredited certificate can be obtained from Finland. Which in turn is recognized in various European Union countries.
Zayed added that he has been working in Finland for about 12 years, and is well aware of what distinguishes technical education in Finland, and therefore he was keen to raise the possibility of cooperation, during his meeting with His Excellency the Minister of Immigration as part of the “An Hour with the Minister” initiative, where he gave a presentation on the most prominent aspects of the idea of launching The training center and the relevant areas to be focused on, according to the needs of European labor markets.
Zayed continued: “I live in Finland and there are many Egyptians working in telecommunications companies and various technology fields, which raises a question before us: Why don’t we provide more job opportunities for young people and contribute to training and qualification? Egyptians there have a good reputation for education and qualification.”
Zayed added that ESEARTH provides a full-service digital educational environment specifically designed for those wishing to acquire professional and technical skills in many fields, including new fields such as electric vehicle maintenance, clean and renewable energy projects, and opportunities to train professional workers in companies or vocational education trainers and teachers. And others.
He continued that there are opportunities for professional study for students after preparatory school in various fields, for a period ranging between 2-3 years, and to provide them with the necessary skills with an accredited certificate, after receiving training and passing exams that are with the participation of lecturers from Finland, and the study is integrated between e-learning and actual lectures from within the academy. Scheduled to be launched in Egypt.
Zayed added the possibility of providing opportunities for graduates to travel to work in Finland and complete their studies in Finnish universities, once they acquire the Finnish language, and providing practical training opportunities abroad in various professional fields, explaining that the company has branches to work in Azerbaijan, France and Spain to export Finnish education abroad.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Ambassador Soha Gendi confirmed that she will be keen to coordinate with various concerned authorities to enhance vocational training opportunities, qualify young people for safe migration, train and qualify them for more professions and crafts needed by foreign labor markets, and address specialists to propose ways to benefit from the initiative to qualify and train young people, welcoming all Opportunities to support investment in the Egyptian market and support safe immigration opportunities.